Wednesday, 15 July 2009

PixoPoint Menu Widget

This is a very simple plugin that adds a widget to WordPress, containing the menu from the PixoPoint menu plugin (which must also be installed).  The menu plugin is currently in beta, see the forum discussion.

The standard installation procedure for the PixoPoint meun plugin is to edit the theme files, which gives you more flexibility as to positioning of the menu, but is an extra step.  When I installed it I knew I wanted the menu in one of the standard widget areas, since it was replacing a standard page widget, so the easiest approach for me was to create a new widget to host the PixoPoint menu.

I haven't had a chance yet to package it properly as a plugin; when I do, I will update this post.  For now, you can pick up the php file from my location Subversion server at and drop it into your plugins directory.  Once activated, it will add a widget "PixoPoint Menu", which you can place by going to Appearance > Widgets in the normal way.